
la petite fête.

Seen Woody Allen's latest? Our Midnight in Provo party was a little homage to the idea of returning to your golden era. Allison with flowers in her hair. Myself in Fitzgerald glitter. Aubrey, inexplicably (awesomely), as Amy Winehouse. Also a lot of boys in clever caps and tweed. We picnicked under stars and fairylights. There were baguettes and any number of sugared possibilities. It was, all in all, the loveliest. 

Especially when two dapper chaps elbowed me out of the kitchen, insisting they captain the clean-up crew. NB: Gentleman is a good look for any decade.


A. said...

So fun. Loved that movie soso much. Thanks for insisting I go see it.

Sum said...

Love that movie. Love your idea of a party. You look fabulously stunning! :)